Rolplus je osnovan 2006. godine. Poseduje savremene mašine za proizvodnju termo rolni za fiskalne registar kase. U svakom trenutku mozemo da odgovorimo Vašim zahtevima. Rolne se proizvode od najkvalitetnijeg uvoznog papira ju jo, 55gr, termax, i samim tim možemo da Vam garantujemo trajnost zapisa do 5 godina. U ponudi imamo sve dimenzije termalnih rolni. Proverite naš kvalitet i cene! Besplatna isporuka.
ROLPLUS was founded in 2006. We have modern machines for production of thermal rolls for cash registers. At any time we can meet your requirements. The rolls are made of top quality imported paper ju jo, 55gr, Termax, and therefore we can guarantee the durability of record up to 5 years. We have all dimensions of thermal rolls. Check out our quality and price! Free delivery.
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